Monday, October 26, 2009

Last week of maternity leave

Well....this is it....the last week of maternity leave. So sad. I love my job and am excited about getting back to work. But I am really, really sad to leave Nolan. I have so enjoyed spending my whole day with him! I am sure the first several days will be very rough.
Thank goodness I will only be going back part time. I am not sure my heart could take going back full time. All I have to say is I appreciate my parents even more than I used to! It is amazing how much I love Nolan. I really wish I had words to say, but I can't express it through words. He is so incredibly wonderful and I cherish and adore him. Don't worry....I still love, cherish and adore Jonathan too. If anything I love Jonathan even is wonderful to look at Nolan and realize that part of both of us are in him. A true miracle.
Nolan is getting so big. He is finally fitting in his 0-3 month clothes. Only a few newborn clothes are fitting these days. So exciting. He is just over 2 and a half months old. Can you believe it?
Wow. Well I'll let you know how the next few weeks go.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

So much to tell!

I know I haven't blogged in a long time. Nolan is taking more and more of my time as he gets older and I want to spend as much time with him as possible since my maternity leave is coming to a very quick end. Too bad I don't live in Sweden where the maternity leave is one year!!
Nolan has become such a joy! I have mixed feelings about returning to work. One part of me is excited to get back to what I love doing, but the new mother part of me wants nothing more than to spend every day with Nolan.
He is doing so many new things. He is cooing and grinning and laughing. He certainly knows who Jonathan and I are. He follows us if we leave the room. He kicks and moves his arms all the time. He has unfortunately discovered his thumb. I would rather he didn't. At least I can take the passy away eventually. I can't take his thumb away. He was sleeping through the night, but got a little sick and that stopped (just a little cold). Hopefully he will start feeling better soon and go back to sleeping from 10PM to 6 AM. I didn't know what to do with all that sleep. The first two nights though, I wasn't able to enjoy it because I woke up every hour from 3AM to 5-6AM wondering if he was ok. Then when I got used to it and was loving it, it stopped. I know he'll get back on track soon though.
I have to go back to work on November 2. At least I will only going back part time. This is wonderful because I will get to do the job I love and be mom to Nolan more than just evenings and weekends. Unfortunately the lady who was supposed to keep Nolan at our home isn't going to be able to do it. So we have decided to put him in daycare, which is breaking my heart. I know daycare is necessary for some and is fine for some, but I had really hoped he wouldn't have to. We are praying about it though and I know he will be fine.
I am in complete denial about having to leave him to go to work. I really get sick to my stomach if I think about I don't. Hopefully I'll be able to deal ok the first day I go back.
I'll try to keep the blog updated more often with the fun and cute new things Nolan is doing.