Saturday, December 5, 2009

4 Months!

Can you believe Nolan is 4 months old? Time is truly flying by. It is amazing how much he changes almost daily. I must say he gets cuter every day, if that is possible! We had his well child check on Friday. He got his second set of shots. He did really well, only cried for about a minute. I cuddled him close and he calmed right down and was back to his laughing, kicking, cooing self in no time. He has slept well today, which is a nice change.
His pediatrician said he is doing really well. He is still small, only in the 10th percentile, but is growing nicely. He weighs just over 12.5 pounds now (was 7 pounds at birth). He is cooing and babbling more and more these days. He will carry on entire conversations with you in his own language. He loves for us to read books to him...he will follow every page as you turn it and look at all the pictures. He of course loves to be talked to and sung to. He is developing such a little personality.
The girls who keep him at daycare say he is such a good and happy baby. What a blessing it is to hear that. I was sure worried I was not going to have a happy baby due to the rough times we had during his first six weeks of life. But from six weeks on, he has been wonderful. Motherhood is by far the best and most rewarding "job" I have ever had. I highly recommend it!
We are getting excited about his first Christmas. He still has several family members he hasn't met yet. Should be a great time. Although, next year will probably be even better, because he will get the honor of helping everyone rip open their presents!
We'll keep you updated on how he is growing and changing.