Wednesday, May 27, 2009


After some unfortunate events Jonathan and I have made the hard decision to stop seeing a midwife as our health care provider for this pregnancy. We have decided to go with a Nurse-Midwife at an OBGYN office. Unfortunately that means I will be delivering in a hospital, which is not what I wanted. However, at this point safety for the duration of this pregnancy and birth is of utmost importance. We have been very blessed in that we have no complications or problems and our prayer is that this continues.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support. We'll keep you updated.

Monday, May 25, 2009

28 weeks

Well....the third trimester is upon us! Just 11.5 weeks to go! Honestly though I am hoping for about 9.5-10 weeks, but my mom says not to get my hopes up! Things are still going great. Starting to have a little swelling by the end of the day, but luckily only in my feet and not too bad. Heart burn is occasional, which I will take any day over the other more severe symptoms of pregnancy.
I tell you what though, this baby loves to move! He has found my right ribs and seems to like pushing off of them. Sometimes I even feel him all the way over on my right side so far it seems like he is heading towards my back! Crazy how he finds room in there I didn't know I had. It is a joy though to know that there is a real live human in me and he is growing like he is supposed to.
We just got back from my last trip until Baby Seymour comes. A family friend got married in Baton Rouge, LA, but we actually stayed with Jonathan's family in Biloxi, MS. We had a great time, but no more 8 hour car rides for me while pregnant!!
I tried to post a picture of me at 28.5 weeks pregnant, but the website isn't cooperating. We took some family pictures while in Biloxi and I got the courage to take one by myself. I'll try again tomorrow and see if I can't be more successful.
We have tentative plans to start the nursery next weekend. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Personality Changes

I have been surprised in many unexcpected ways during this pregnancy so far. It seems, in some areas, my Type A personality has been transformed into being laid back and go with the flow. Not that this is a bad thing mind simply means that I am 12.5 weeks from delivery and Baby Seymour's nursery is no more completed than it was months ago. We have beautiful furniture, fabric, and paint...but none of it has been started.
I have also found that my being picky got worse when it came to picking out nursery stuff. I did not want a theme or for the room to appear "babyish." Several months ago Jonathan and I stumbled on some beautiful furniture at Southern Estates Antique Mall (highly recommended if you like antiques). We bought a normal sized dresser as storage and a smaller dresser with mirror that will be both storage and a changing table. The mirror will of course come off until later. The crib is brand new but we were lucky enough to find a design that compliments the antiques perfectly. They are all a very dark wood....I think you would call it mahogany.
We have decided to use sage green and white as the colors. Jonathan's mom is a wonderful seamstress and is working on the bedding and window treatment. The paint has been purchased, and we have decided on how to paint, but of course no paint is on the wall.
So, needless to say, things are progressing slower than I ever imagined I would let them. But Jonathan is loving the laid back Mandy, so there are certainly positives to this change.
I'll keep you updated on the nurseries progress.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

27 Weeks

Well, this blog is being started somewhat late in this pregnancy, but better late than never huh? Today we are 27 weeks pregnant, meaning only 13 weeks to go! It is unbelievable how fast time is flying. Baby Seymour is growing by leaps and bounds, meaning I am also growing. As many of you know I have been very hesitant about documenting this pregnancy with picutres, but I will do my best to draw up enough courage to start posting pictures.

A quick update on how things have gone up until now: First trimester- only two episodes of getting sick, extreme fatigue, overall a great time full of awe and excitement. Second trimester- getting bigger and bigger, more energy, mild heartburn, overall a very happy time with building anticipation and excietment. Third trimester- starts next Thursday!

I hope you enjoy this blog and are able to follow the remainder of this pregnancy and Baby Seymour prepares to make his grand entrance.

Oh, I almost forgot...we are keeping his name a secret until he is born. I understand many of you are not happy about this, but we are very excited about anouncing his birth and name at the same time! We feel it is a fun decision and increases the anticipation even more!