Thursday, July 30, 2009


I woke up this morning determined to have a new and improved attitude. While praying this morning it hit me that I have made this pregnancy all about me. I'm uncomfortable, and impatient, and tired, and cranky. My thoughts and unfortunately my prayers have been self focused. When in reality it has nothing to do with me. God is (or should be) the focus of my life. That includes everything to do with this baby. God made this baby, not me. I am this baby's "Mary." I was chosen by God to grow and nurture and raise this child, but at the end of the day he is God's child. He has a plan for this baby, which includes pregnancy and birth (and their timing).
I am reminded of the scripture that got me through when we thought this baby might come early. "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ." Philippians 4: 6-7

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good News/Bad News

Bad News: I am still not in labor.
Good News: I have started dilating. Only 1 cm and 60% effaced, but still...progress is progress at this point.
Please pray that everything continues to progress well and we both stay healthy. God has a plan and His timing is perfect!

Very Frustrated!

Well I've seen lots of action in the last 14 hours, but nothing is progressing. Last night at our birth class I stood outside and walked for an hour and a half and had contractions every 5-6 min with good intensity. By the time we got home at 9:00 and was finishing packing, things slacked off and by 10:00 no more contractions.
Then throughout the night I was awakened by very hard contractions. By 3:00 I was sick of waking up in pain and felt I could handle it better if I was awake and prepared when a contraction started. They were every 10 min for several hours. At 5:30 they had tapered off again and I was exhausted. I sort of went back to sleep and got up around 7:00. Jonathan and I went on a long walk, which created a TON of pressure and lots of lower abdominal cramping. Some contractions, but still nothing consistent!
So basically what I have learned is that regardless of how much you prepare and learn and seek advice, your situation is never normal. What I am having is so far from text book and all that I was expecting. I have no idea if I am actually in labor or not.
I have an appointment today at 1:40 so I guess we'll see what they say. Please keep us in your prayers. This is beyond frustrating and somewhat concerning. I am trying hard to stay positive and focused, but it is difficult when you have no idea what is going on inside your body.
I'll update again after the appointment.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Start Praying!

Ok, Jonathan is back in town for good. I am full term. Baby Seymour can come any time! So all those prayers that were keeping him in now need to switch to lets get him out!
I am fully ready to go through labor and delivery in order to stop feeling so big, clumsy, and just all around blah! I have plenty of symptoms that indicate he may be coming soon. However, soon could mean hours, days, or even weeks! In my opinion, the sooner the better. Jonathan and I are going on a long walk tonight. And then tomorrow I'll go to the gym after work and every day thereafter until he comes!
I know God has a plan and this baby will come when he is good and ready. I just pray that it is sooner rather than later and that I can survive the time until then.
We really appreciate your prayers and supports. We'll keep you updated.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


We made it! I am full term today. And boy am I ready for this baby to come. He needs to either come today or he needs to wait until Sunday (because of the wedding). I actually have three weeks until my due date, but he is safe to come whenever he wants now.
As of yesterday I was exhausted, frustrated, and nervous. I woke up this morning feeling like I could clean the world. In fact, Jonathan had to push me out of the house because I wouldn't stop cleaning and straightening. I didn't get to work until 8:05! Huge deal for me. I am usually there by 7:30. Now I am frustrated because I have to be at work instead of completing my huge mental list of things to do. People at work said I am nesting. I just feel like my brain is going a million miles an hour.
My mom, again, said not to get my hopes up. It could still be several days or even weeks. I understand, but and certainly praying that is not the case. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We couldn't do this without ya'll. Please continue to pray that he comes today or Sunday! My nurse midwife is still out of town with her mother. So that means one of the MD's (there are only two) will deliver me. The one I like the best is on call through Sunday and then it is the other one starting next week. So I would rather go before next week so I can feel one hundred percent confident and comfortable with my OB at delivery!
We'll keep you posted!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Made it through the weekend!

Yay! We made it through the weekend. Jonathan is back safe and sound and I am still pregnant. Now if I can just make it one more week. Trey and Sarah (college friends) are getting married this weekend near Boone, NC. Jonathan is in the wedding so he will be leaving again. However, this time it is only 2.5 hours away. Not nearly as big of a deal.
This weekend I spent the time getting the house and nursery ready. My mom (thank God for mom's) was a huge help. She stained his toy box cradle, went with me to get some missing items, and sorted all of his clothes. And let me tell you, thanks to a few good friend and their hand-me-downs, this baby has more clothes than I do. Of course we have no idea what size he is going to be and if he will be able to wear all of them, but it is amazing to have a closet and drawers full waiting.
They crib has sheets on it, the pack and play is set up, the car seat ready, and the stroller is ready. The only thing left is to run by the fire department and have them professionally install the car seat bases.
I now have to focus on getting my bag packed and getting myself emotionally and physically ready for labor and delivery. I haven't been able to exercise in several weeks due to all the contractions and fear of going into early labor. But come next Monday I am back in the gym (I'll be full term by then and it is ok if he comes).
For anyone following this blog that is pregnant or will ever be pregnant and is planning on having natural child birth, I highly recommend Bradley classes. They have been absolutely wonderful and, in my opinion, a great preparation for labor and delivery. I'll do a longer blog on it later.
Well keep you updated. Thanks for the prayers and support!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

36 Weeks!

Well we have made it another week. In 7 days I will be considered full term although I have four weeks to my due date. We are still praying for at least 12 more days to ensure Jonathan will be in town. I went to my weekly appointment yesterday and everything was fine. I have not dilated, praise God. My cervix is somewhat effaced (thin), but that is relatively normal at this stage in pregnancy. I am no longer taking the Procardia to stop contractions (which it never did anyway).
Jonathan leaves tonight for Mississippi to be with his family and to attend his grandfather's funeral. He will be back late Sunday night. So please pray that his flight there and drive back are safe and that nothing happens with this baby while he is gone. He leaves again next Friday for Trey and Sarah's wedding. He is coming back on Sunday morning after the wedding. So...we just need things to continue to go smoothly and for me not to stress out without him here.
We have prepared for a natural, husband-coached childbirth. That won't work if the husband is not here! I have total confidence in God that things will work out well.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Great and Crazy Weekend

Well, we had our last two showers this weekend. What a blessing they were! We received so much stuff. And all of it we really needed. Thank you to all who came to the showers and gave so graciously. Thank you to Meredith, Maggie, Katie, and Laura for throwing the showers. We are so thankful! His room looks like a tornado hit it right now. This week will be for organizing, taking inventory, and filling in what we are still missing.
Sadly, Jonathan's grandfather passed away on Saturday. Jonathan will be going to Mississippi for the funeral with his parents, however, I am too far along to travel. So please keep his family and us in your prayers as Jonathan is away.
We are still praying for 15 more days at least. After that then NBS can come any time.
Also, my Nurse Midwife (the one I really want to deliver me) is out of town for another two weeks because her mother is very ill. It feels selfish to pray for her to come back before I deliver, so I guess pray for God's will in that situation. Her family is incredibly important and I want her to be with them. However, my birth experience is important also and she shares the same philosophy about birthing as I do. I know God is in control and all will work everything out for the good of those who love Him.
It is crazy and amazing that we are coming down to the end of this pregnancy. Jonathan and I are both ready to start this new journey and excited about seeing our little man.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

35 Weeks!

Well, I really don't have any new news. Which is a good thing. My appointment went well yesterday. She didn't check my cervix, which is fine with me because if I am dilating then I don't want to know about it (yet). She didn't check because I have had no further changes in symptoms. I will be checked next Wed when I go. They will also test for Group B Strep. That is a bacteria that is present in 30% of women. I pray mine is negative so I do not have to have IV antibiotics during labor and delivery. I am also supposed to start tapering off the Procardia that may or may not be helping with my current contractions. They usually wean you between 35 weeks and 36 weeks, which starts today.
Something kind of crazy: In 14 days if I go into labor they will not stop it! However, we really need at least 19 days so Jonathan can be in town.
So I guess current prayer requests are that 1) He waits at least 19 more days; 2) My strep test is negative; 3) I am able to survive the next three to five weeks.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A New Week!

Well here is the start of a new week. Still having contractions. Not much change. This weekend had good moments and bad. Friday during the day things were great. Friday night and Saturday were a little rough with lots of contractions. Sunday was much better though. I tell you what, I am getting a little tired of sitting on my couch. It is difficult for me to sit quietly. I really miss working out. But whatever it takes to keep this little man inside is, of course, what I will do.
We need him to stay in for 22 more days.
He is getting stronger and stronger. His kicks and turns and punches are starting to not be cute at all. Yesterday he put his foot on my right rib near my sternum and ran it all the way across the rib to my side. I about came off the couch. We had some words after that and thankfully he hasn't done that again.
This is an exiting and very busy week. We have our birth class on Tuesday night (which we are loving), my work shower on Thursday, and a shower Saturday and Sunday. Plus Ryan and Katie (Jonathan's brother and his wife) will be here this weekend, which will be fun. It is wonderful to have so many distractions.
I'll let you know what the status is after my next appointment on Wed.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

34 Weeks!

Yay, we made it another week. Still having tons of contractions. Some so mild I don't know I'm having it unless I feel my belly. Others so strong it is hard to breathe. But praise God he is still inside me growing and maturing. We are praying for at least 26 more days.
According to he is the weight of a good size cantaloupe. I feel like he is already the size of a watermelon! I told Jonathan last night I won't know what to do when I don't have to lug around this belly any more. It has been and will be more than worth it though. I keep focusing on the miracle that this baby is and the amazing blessing he will be and it is easy to forget all the other stuff that is going on.
I got to the Midwife again on Wednesday July 8. We are hoping for no cervical changes at that time. I am still working daily. It is nice because it passes the time and it is easier to ignore the contractions than when I am sitting on the couch. However, I do lay down for an hour at lunch each day. I even fell asleep the other day, which is rare for me. I never take naps. I guess I have a good reason now though.
We'll continue to keep you updated. Thanks for all your prayers and support.