Sunday, May 16, 2010

Prayer Once Again for Nolan!

Jonathan and I are seeking prayer for Nolan! Some of you know the trials he has been through in regards to his health. For those of you who do not I will outline them briefly so you understand our great need for corporate prayer from our family and friends. Nolan was hospitalized at two weeks old for a severe kidney infection. He was in the hospital for one week and underwent numerous tests, all of which were normal, praise God. After several "normal" respiratory viruses he ended up getting RSV (a severe respiratory virus) twice in a one month period. This led him to developing RAD (Reactive Airway Disease, aka: baby asthma). So from that point on whenever he got even a little cold he wheezed and coughed a great deal. He had to be put on prednisone twice to keep the wheezing under control and has had innumerable nebulizer treatments. At 6 and a half months of age he developed his first ear infection. It was treated successfully with antibiotics, but within two weeks he had developed another infection. It too was successfully treated, but again within two weeks he had another infection. This ear infection did not respond to three different antibiotics, one of which was a series of very strong injections. He has literally had an active ear infection for four and a half weeks. Tomorrow (Monday) he has an appointment with an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor) for evaluation to see if he needs tubes in his ears. Since he is once again running a fever and not sleeping well, we feel we already know the answer. However, we believe in a God who performs miracles. Jonathan and I have been diligently praying that Nolan not need surgery to help him become and stay healthy, but we need your help. We know that God has a plan to prosper Nolan, and not to harm him. We have heard numerous testimonies that tubes are wonderful and have made many children much better. That is fine, and if God's will is for Nolan to have tubes, then we will accept that. But we will continue praying for supernatural healing until we have a clear answer. We so very much appreciate your prayers and support. We are blessed to have so many close friends and family members who love the Lord and rely on Him for guidance. Thank you for praying for our son and lifting him up tomorrow (although you are welcome to pray for him more often :)). We will certainly keep you posted on the report we get tomorrow and the plan for Nolan's recovery.